In January 2018 – NORED, as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility Projects, has officially handed over rural electrification projects to beneficiaries & residents in its area of operations as indicated below.

Hon. Obeth Kandjoze, Minister of Mines and Energy and his Deputy, Hon. Kornelia Shilunga have officiated at these events.

Electrification Projects handed over are valued at N$8.9 million.

Kunene Ombombo Village Provision of pre-paid meters to 84 beneficiaries
Opuwo Town Installation of High Mast Lighting in town
Omusati Naango Location Provision of access to the connection grid
  Oshikuku Town Installation of High Mast Lighting in town
Ohangwena Eeshoke Location-Helao Nafidi Provision of access to the connection grid
  Ekango laHamulenge-Helao Nafidi Provision of access to the connection grid
  Ekolola Location-Eenhana Town Provision of access to the connection grid


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NORED will continue to bring electricity in our area of operations for rural development.